Prehistoric Artefacts from the Sahara

The book seeks to highlight a previously overlooked dimension at the intersection of diverse fields such as anthropology, archaeology, art history, technology, and sociology: the material culture of early Saharan inhabitants.

Nick Brandt
The Day May Break
Chapter I & II

The Day May Break is an ongoing global series portraying people and animals that have been impacted by environmental degradation and destruction.

Henri Michaux
Vibrations of Infinity

Painter of poems, writer of spots, dancer of words… Michaux’s work blurs the boundaries between literature, art, and philosophy as self-experiment.

Julius Horsthuis
All These Unseen Worlds

My kind of art is showing something that exists. The fractal exists. I didn’t create it, I didn’t come up with it, I found it.

Atlas of Clouds and of States of the Sky

A cloud atlas is a visual representation of various cloud types, including their classification and naming conventions.

Martín Bollati
This Past Does Not Exist

The publication uses AI to mash up ages, geographies and traditions, creating virtual artifacts indistinguishable from historical records.

Kogi Wisdom
A Book of Balance

The Kogi hold a unique position; on a bloodstained continent they alone have never been conquered, and have succeeded in preserving their four thousand year old understanding of the world.

Terence McKenna
The Age of Confusion

I haven’t shared anything from Terence McKenna in almost seven years, and yet few thinkers had a stronger influence on…

Utopian Visionaries
Dostoevsky & Le Guin

These two visionary tales are written hundred years apart, under very different conditions by very different authors yet they make a great match.

Biosphere 2
& Spaceship Earth

Biosphere 2 was one of the most lauded experiments of the 1990s, then one of the most ridiculed. Now it is back, offering a unique way to put theories about climate and environment to the test.

Valdir Cruz
Faces of the Rainforest

The Brazilian-born photographer Valdir Cruz has lived in the United States for more than thirty years, yet much of his…

The Whole Earth Catalog
Access to Tools

The Whole Earth Catalog, first published in 1968, can be considered the bible of counterculture in the 60s and 70s. It compiles tools that can empower the individual within the global community.

Female Pentimento
The Permeability of Reality

Apocalyptic landscapes imbued with an ominous presence, that reminds me of the frailty of everything we deem safe and irrefutable.

Lloyd Kahn
Shelter not Cabinporn

Lloyd Kahn is arguably the most influential pioneer of the DIY building movement that emerged in the 1960s.

Planetary Healers Manual
Survival into the 21st Century

This book is a New Age classic but just one of many publications in the same spirit springing from the counterculture of the late 1960s.

Isamu Noguchi

Noguchi fought for the reintegration of the arts toward some purposeful and social end, and nowhere was this more apparent than in its playground designs.

The Spirits of Brazil

A poetic and cinematic research into spirituality and its music in Brazil by Priscilla Telmon & Vincent Moon.

Gage Taylor
The Holy Grove

His meticulously rendered landscapes suggest a nostalgia for Eden and the availability of peace and joy through an expanded awareness of the beauty inherent in the land.

Alexis R.
Embroidery of Autonomy

A few hours ago I found this woman sitting on the floor near the marketplace of a small town in Southern France.

Pierre Verger
Black Gods in Exile

From detached gaze to initiatory knowledge: Verger is a true messenger between worlds.

Claudia Andujar
The Yanomami Struggle

Andujar’s legacy is a shining example of art and activism coming together as one.

Women of the Sea

The term Ama literally means ‘women of the sea’, as women were always the preferred divers in Japan.

The Media-Shaman Manifesto

The following manifesto is a testimony of an awakened youth movement realizing its power. Born from the European rave culture…

Nine Eyes
Stranger Than Fiction

The neutral gaze of the machine is becoming an ever-present reality, recording all those moments previously lost in time.

Rebel Wisdom
Sensemaking in the Time of Chaos

Rebel Wisdom uncovers the most rebellious ideas in philosophy, human potential and transcendence to find direction through the chaos of the time.

Enchanted Embodiment
and Ashtanga Yoga

Or what being present means to me. And why I practice Ashtanga Yoga.

Chaos, Creativity and Imagination

A trialogue on chaos and the world soul, featuring Terence McKenna, Rupert Sheldrake, Ralph Abraham – three brilliant minds sharing their views on life and the structure of reality.

Linda Westin
Illuminated Dendrology

These portraits of the woods are influenced by imaging neuroscience. Especially the colors are reminiscent of the artist’s experience with fluorescence microscopy.

Joth Shakerley
The Rainbow Tribe

Joth Shakerley is following the Rainbow Family for over twenty years. The pictures he brought back are beyond words.

Wenzel Hablik
Crystal Utopias

Wenzel Hablik is a visionary, an utopian architect of the proverbial crystal castles in the clouds.

Jantar Mantar
The observatories of Jai Singh

In the early 18th century Maharajah Sawaii Jai Singh II of Jaipur constructed five astronomical observatories in North India, known as Jantar Mantar.

Antoine Bruy

How do we want to live? These people choose a life away from the cities, willing to abandon lifestyles based on performance, efficiency and consumption.

John C. Lilly
Of Mountains and Molehills

This little chapter from The Center of the Cyclone by John C. Lilly turned out to be a piece of wisdom that stood the test of time.

Polynesian Wayfinders
The knowledge of the ancestors

The ancient art of wayfinding is an almost forgotten skill once common throughout the Pacific.

Aldous Huxley

This book isn’t a novel but rather a manifesto. The final work of Huxley is a sociological blueprint, a manual for living, loving and dying.

Jacque Fresco
The Venus Project

Today I picked up one of my favorite books, Island by Aldous Huxley, his radical blueprint for a better world.…

in the Wilderness

Filmed mostly on a stationary 16mm camera, this documentary is the modern-day Walden.

Art meets Science and Spirituality in a changing Economy

Artists, scientists, spiritual leaders and economists gathered in Amsterdam in 1990 to explore the emerging paradigm of a holistic world view and the implications for a global economy.

The Net
The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet

Critical thinking in regard to technology isn’t overworked these days and it can’t hurt to reconsider our current course and if it is leading us towards a prosperous future.

The Elder Brother’s Warning

In 1990, a BBC1 documentary film brought global attention to a remote South American people, the Kogi of Colombia, who…

Swiatoslaw Wojtkowiak
Storytelling from Borderlands of Worlds

Swiatoslaw Wojtkowiak is a daredevil with a good eye and the guts to go beyond what meets the eye.

Buckminster Fuller
Everything I Know

R. Buckminster Fuller gave an extraordinary series of lectures concerning his entire life’s work. These thinking out loud lectures span 42 hours and examine in depth all of his major inventions and discoveries.

Jill Bolte Taylor
My Stroke of Insight

This account from lalaland is beautifully bridging the gap between science and spirituality to open up our perception of the world.

A photographic exploration

This book is the best reminder that a computer screen can’t replace the printing quality of a well produced book. The nuances of black are outstanding…

Arthur Schopenhauer
On Death and Life as Dying

For any culture which is primarily concerned with meaning, the study of death – the only certainty that life holds…

In a mother’s womb
Or the cycle of life

This text is immensely powerful to illuminate death or any transition into the unknown. Remember that you already went through a fantastic metamorphosis before.

Huxley’s Legacy
The art of living, loving and dying

At the time when I picked the name The Door Of Perception I didn’t know much about Aldous Huxley and his teachings — because that’s what his writings are, rather than novels.

Jodorowsky’s Dune

Finally, the story of the greatest science fiction epic never made has finally been told. Jodorowsky’s Dune is a new documentary about that beautiful, crazy-ambitious, disaster of an adaptation.

James Turrell
Perceive your Perceiving

Turrell is an artist who works with the nature of perception. He uses light to make you perceive your perceiving.

The Secret Life
Of Plants

Published in 1973, The Secret Life of Plants was written by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. It is described as…

Who are we in the 21st Century?

A cinematic interpretation of this world’s largest round table gathering, Problema is a visually imaginative, thought-provoking invitation to a world of global dilemmas.

Paul Stamets
The Future is Fungi

Paul Stamets is a mycologist and a true renaissance visionary with a pathbreaking message.

Matthew David Segall
Footnotes 2 Plato

My own infrequent writings are purely experientially and I’m not well-read enough to refer to the spiritual heritage of millenia. However others can.

The Overview Effect
& Satellite imagery

Most probably I will never look down at mother ship earth from space. But some astronauts did when they set out to explore the final frontier.

Monte Verità

I want to tell you about the Lebensreform movement in the early 20th century. The problems back then were the same like today.

Terence McKenna
Final Earthbound Interview

This video from 1998 is one of the last interviews before Terence passed away in April 2000.

Taylor Camp
Paradise Lost

I am fascinated by people who make the bold step into alternative ways of living. If none of the given choices seem to fit you, create your own!

Theo Jansen
Kinetic Automata

I follow Theo Jansen for many years now. What I like so much about his design approach is the playfulness…

Benoit Paillé
Rainbow Gatherings

Lately I also rediscovered the wholesome experience of being with with a group of strangers who share an intention of love & growth.

Inner Worlds
Outer Worlds

I just discovered the greatest documentary of all time. I urge you to take the time and watch this carefully. What do you feel?


Isn’t it wonderful that the revelation of the psychedelic experience only confirms buddhist teachings.

Jimmy Nelson
Before They Pass Away

The photographer Jimmy Nelson visited 31 secluded and visually unique tribes around the world. The result is huge — in extend and significance.

Paul Laffoley
The visionary

Laffoley is a visionary painter, designer, futurist & hyperspace cartographer based in Boston. Diving into his world may cause a feeling of dizziness due to an overdose of novelty.

Terence McKenna
Global Perspectives
and Psychedelic Poetics

Every time I return to Terence McKenna I am amazed once more. Hours of listening just fly by.