Jonathan Zawada
On these grounds, all perception is a gamble. A meta-level is always just around the corner, and Zawada’s hyperreal imagery is a vivid glimpse into an expanded perceptual bandwidth.

The Door of Perception
On these grounds, all perception is a gamble. A meta-level is always just around the corner, and Zawada’s hyperreal imagery is a vivid glimpse into an expanded perceptual bandwidth.
I grew up with Tintin and I just realized how formative Hergé’s ‘ligne claire’ was for me. His distinct visual…
This book isn’t a novel but rather a manifesto. The final work of Huxley is a sociological blueprint, a manual for living, loving and dying.
Robert Gordon Wasson was an international banker, amateur mycologist, and author. It was him who reintroduced the ‘divine mushrooms’ to the West.
Steve Axford does what he likes most. It’s taking pictures and exploring the living world that unfolds evermore interconnectedness to him.
Language and all forms of image making are very insufficient means of representation. But the urge to try is strong.
This is a 10 hour weekend workshop given by Terence McKenna in Boulder, Colorado May 29-31, 1992.
Simon G. Powell had no real budget or crew, but he did have a Hi-8 video camera, some music equipment, a computer and lots of inspiration.
Paul Stamets is a mycologist and a true renaissance visionary with a pathbreaking message.
I had an experience that still resonates and vibrates deep within me. If I can keep just a mere afterglow alive, I will be a changed man.
This talk is great and Terence is in a particularly good mood. Enjoy.
Dennis McKenna shared a life’s devotion to psychedelics with his better known brother. And he wrote a book about it.
Every time I return to Terence McKenna I am amazed once more. Hours of listening just fly by.