Santiago Ramón y Cajal
The Beautiful Brain

Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934) was a Spanish neuroscientist and pathologist who is considered the father of modern neuroscience.

Robert Fludd
As above, so below

Fludd was striving for an universal science, combining mysticism, aesthetics and the more rational sciences to an all-embracing system of knowledge.

Osho on Yoga
The Alpha and the Omega

Osho’s discourses on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, given in Pune from 1973-76.

Sasha Shulgin’s
Notebooks and lab records

Alexander Shulgin’s lab books were scanned in 2007 and made available online.

Shamanic Healing
Travels into the next dimension

If you think you are a spiritual energetic being then you will heal yourself by merely realizing what you truly are. Shamans are your helpers on this path.

Gabor Maté
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts

Gabor Maté is a Canadian physician who specializes in the study and treatment of addiction. He radiates kindness and a deep understanding of the human condition.

Rick Doblin
Myths About Psychedelic Drugs

Rick Doblin is the the founder of MAPS and one of the most prominent fighters for opening our culture to the healing power of psychedelics.

Ayahuasca Manifesto
The Spirit and its Planetary Mission

Many people ask me about Ayahuasca and I’m happy to share my experiences and the information I gathered.

Awakening the Divine Within

The film examines the re-emergence of archaic techniques of ecstasy in the modern world by weaving a synthesis of ecological…

Dennis McKenna
Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss

Dennis McKenna shared a life’s devotion to psychedelics with his better known brother. And he wrote a book about it.

The Second Encounter

I just booked my second Ayahuasca retreat. This time for three days only and not in the Amazon but in the Netherlands.

Cary Grant
Why didn’t I do this sooner?

I’m a promoter of the psychedelic experience as you might have figured. More people of high reputation need to come out of the closet and speak out about it.