Orgyan Chopel
New Visions in Thangkas

Orgyan Chopel translates cryptic Buddhism into a simplified language of symbols, easier to understand and accept.

María Medem
Dancing between Earth and Sky

A perfect summer night and the mental state of being truly present to the current moment in time.

M. C. Escher
Hyperbolic Dreams

Escher reveals a world far away from our general perception of reality, a world of mathematics, a world of abstractions, anticipating deep features of modern day cosmology.

Ben Tolman
Detailed views on inner landscapes

Ben Tolman’s ink drawings reflect the fact that there is a subtle world we only perceive in non-ordinary states of consciousness.

Daehyun Kim

Daehyun Kim’s Moonassi series is his life-time project. He draws to meditate on himself and others. And the others again can use the drawings to contemplate as well.

Eric Gill
Lovers & Saints

Often summarized as graphic artist, Eric Gill was a sculptor, typeface designer, stonecutter and printmaker.