Atlas of Clouds and of States of the Sky

A cloud atlas is a visual representation of various cloud types, including their classification and naming conventions.

Martín Bollati
This Past Does Not Exist

The publication uses AI to mash up ages, geographies and traditions, creating virtual artifacts indistinguishable from historical records.

Friedrich W. Stumpfi
Cosmic Fertilization of the Spirit

He calls himself a cosmic illustrator, visual alchemist and psychonaut. All images are from his left hand.

Utopian Visionaries
Dostoevsky & Le Guin

These two visionary tales are written hundred years apart, under very different conditions by very different authors yet they make a great match.

Biosphere 2
& Spaceship Earth

Biosphere 2 was one of the most lauded experiments of the 1990s, then one of the most ridiculed. Now it is back, offering a unique way to put theories about climate and environment to the test.

Valdir Cruz
Faces of the Rainforest

The Brazilian-born photographer Valdir Cruz has lived in the United States for more than thirty years, yet much of his…

The Whole Earth Catalog
Access to Tools

The Whole Earth Catalog, first published in 1968, can be considered the bible of counterculture in the 60s and 70s. It compiles tools that can empower the individual within the global community.

Sharon Ellis
Tumult in Earth, Calm in Heaven

Her vibrant nature scenes convey a sense of the divine in nature and are reminiscent of the Transcendental Painting Group.

Female Pentimento
The Permeability of Reality

Apocalyptic landscapes imbued with an ominous presence, that reminds me of the frailty of everything we deem safe and irrefutable.

Lloyd Kahn
Shelter not Cabinporn

Lloyd Kahn is arguably the most influential pioneer of the DIY building movement that emerged in the 1960s.

David Uzochukwu
Drown in my Magic

David Uzochukwu (born 1998) is an Austrian-Nigerian artist engaging with longing and belonging through (self) portraiture. He uses photography and…

Planetary Healers Manual
Survival into the 21st Century

This book is a New Age classic but just one of many publications in the same spirit springing from the counterculture of the late 1960s.

Marcelo Pinel
Cyber Mystic Garden

A laboratory in constant change, a small museum of desires and dreams that amuse the inner child.

Lawren Harris
Summit of the Soul

Lawren Harris was born into one of Canada’s wealthiest families and was destined for a life in aristocratic circles, yet he always felt more at home in the great outdoors.

The Spirits of Brazil

A poetic and cinematic research into spirituality and its music in Brazil by Priscilla Telmon & Vincent Moon.

Adrian Fisk
Until The Last Oak Falls

A book of unseen photographs documenting the early days of the British direct action environmental movement from 1995—1999.

Gage Taylor
The Holy Grove

His meticulously rendered landscapes suggest a nostalgia for Eden and the availability of peace and joy through an expanded awareness of the beauty inherent in the land.

Pierre Verger
Black Gods in Exile

From detached gaze to initiatory knowledge: Verger is a true messenger between worlds.

Ithell Colquhoun

After decades of neglect, the British artist and writer Ithell Colquhoun is finally recognized as one of the most exciting and creative occult thinkers of the 20th century.

Dying to Know
The Mystical World

This book is leading you on travels in a mysterious and visionary world.

Christopher Alexander
The Timeless Way of Building

To seek the timeless way we must first know the quality without a name. There is a central quality which is the root criterion of life and spirit in a man, a town, a building, or a wilderness.

The Media-Shaman Manifesto

The following manifesto is a testimony of an awakened youth movement realizing its power. Born from the European rave culture…

Rebel Wisdom
Sensemaking in the Time of Chaos

Rebel Wisdom uncovers the most rebellious ideas in philosophy, human potential and transcendence to find direction through the chaos of the time.

María Medem
Dancing between Earth and Sky

A perfect summer night and the mental state of being truly present to the current moment in time.

Enchanted Embodiment
and Ashtanga Yoga

Or what being present means to me. And why I practice Ashtanga Yoga.

Chaos, Creativity and Imagination

A trialogue on chaos and the world soul, featuring Terence McKenna, Rupert Sheldrake, Ralph Abraham – three brilliant minds sharing their views on life and the structure of reality.

Emil Bisttram
And the Transcendental Painting Group

These seekers of the inner spirit in outer things, wanted to carry painting beyond the appearance of the physical world.

Joth Shakerley
The Rainbow Tribe

Joth Shakerley is following the Rainbow Family for over twenty years. The pictures he brought back are beyond words.

Wenzel Hablik
Crystal Utopias

Wenzel Hablik is a visionary, an utopian architect of the proverbial crystal castles in the clouds.

Jantar Mantar
The observatories of Jai Singh

In the early 18th century Maharajah Sawaii Jai Singh II of Jaipur constructed five astronomical observatories in North India, known as Jantar Mantar.

Terence McKenna
An Ocean of Ideas

In this lecture Terence unfolds an ocean of ideas, a metaphor for the psychedelic dimension you are sailing out onto to cast the net of the human imagination to retrieve novel ideas out of the chaos.

Thoughts on
Plasticity & Repetition

To me the main characteristics that constitute the human condition are plasticity and the tendency to repeat.