Snu Voogelbreinder
Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden explores the vast world of psychoactive plants, animals and other organisms, and their uses in shamanism, spiritual exploration and healing.

Utopian Visionaries
Dostoevsky & Le Guin

These two visionary tales are written hundred years apart, under very different conditions by very different authors yet they make a great match.

Valdir Cruz
Faces of the Rainforest

The Brazilian-born photographer Valdir Cruz has lived in the United States for more than thirty years, yet much of his…

Sharon Ellis
Tumult in Earth, Calm in Heaven

Her vibrant nature scenes convey a sense of the divine in nature and are reminiscent of the Transcendental Painting Group.

Female Pentimento
The Permeability of Reality

Apocalyptic landscapes imbued with an ominous presence, that reminds me of the frailty of everything we deem safe and irrefutable.

Planetary Healers Manual
Survival into the 21st Century

This book is a New Age classic but just one of many publications in the same spirit springing from the counterculture of the late 1960s.

Peter Birkhäuser
Light from the Darkness

Few artists have so powerfully evoked the uncanny otherness of the unconscious like Swiss artist Peter Birkhäuser.

Irene Hardwicke Olivieri
Rewilding the Heart

Her paintings speak to us with such a refreshing immediacy, reminding us how wild it is to be alive.

Julia Turk
Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea

I have always been drawn to things I found suggestive but couldn’t understand. The tarot is such a theme that speaks to my imagination but I can’t explain what it really is.

Marcelo Pinel
Cyber Mystic Garden

A laboratory in constant change, a small museum of desires and dreams that amuse the inner child.

The Spirits of Brazil

A poetic and cinematic research into spirituality and its music in Brazil by Priscilla Telmon & Vincent Moon.

Hamzeh Carr
The Light of Asia

The Light of Asia is a famous narrative poem that tells the life and time of Prince Gautama Siddhartha, who after attaining enlightenment, became the Buddha.

Gage Taylor
The Holy Grove

His meticulously rendered landscapes suggest a nostalgia for Eden and the availability of peace and joy through an expanded awareness of the beauty inherent in the land.

Pierre Verger
Black Gods in Exile

From detached gaze to initiatory knowledge: Verger is a true messenger between worlds.

DOP Mixtape II
Nothing Lasts but
Nothing is Lost

This is a little gift in remembrance of an unsanitized rave culture, that is so much more than mere escapism.

Ithell Colquhoun

After decades of neglect, the British artist and writer Ithell Colquhoun is finally recognized as one of the most exciting and creative occult thinkers of the 20th century.

Dying to Know
The Mystical World

This book is leading you on travels in a mysterious and visionary world.

Philip Kirkland
Energy Ecstasy and your Seven Vital Chakras

There is already another post about Philip Kirkland but these images I’ve just found deserve to stand alone.

Johfra Bosschart
Unio Mystica

Surrealism based on studies of psychology, religion, the Bible, astrology, antiquity, magic, witchcraft, mythology and occultism.

Stanley Keleman
Emotional Anatomy

This seminal book by Stanley Keleman explores the notion that physical human shape is interrelated with one’s emotional and psychological reality — mapping the geometry of somatic consciousness.

The Media-Shaman Manifesto

The following manifesto is a testimony of an awakened youth movement realizing its power. Born from the European rave culture…

Rebel Wisdom
Sensemaking in the Time of Chaos

Rebel Wisdom uncovers the most rebellious ideas in philosophy, human potential and transcendence to find direction through the chaos of the time.

Enchanted Embodiment
and Ashtanga Yoga

Or what being present means to me. And why I practice Ashtanga Yoga.

Chaos, Creativity and Imagination

A trialogue on chaos and the world soul, featuring Terence McKenna, Rupert Sheldrake, Ralph Abraham – three brilliant minds sharing their views on life and the structure of reality.

Robert Fludd
As above, so below

Fludd was striving for an universal science, combining mysticism, aesthetics and the more rational sciences to an all-embracing system of knowledge.

Johfra Bosschart
The Zodiac Series

Surrealism based on studies of psychology, religion, the Bible, astrology, antiquity, magic, witchcraft, mythology and occultism.

Joth Shakerley
The Rainbow Tribe

Joth Shakerley is following the Rainbow Family for over twenty years. The pictures he brought back are beyond words.

Osho on Yoga
The Alpha and the Omega

Osho’s discourses on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, given in Pune from 1973-76.

Emilie Conrad
Continuum Movement

Continuum Movement is a dynamic inquiry into what it is to be a human being, providing a method to consciously explore ourself as an unfolding biological and planetary process.

John C. Lilly
Of Mountains and Molehills

This little chapter from The Center of the Cyclone by John C. Lilly turned out to be a piece of wisdom that stood the test of time.

Karlfried Graf Dürckheim
Der Körper den ich habe, Der Leib der ich bin

Dürckheim’s legacy is psychotherapy in the spirit of Zen. His books are classics of transpersonal psychology.

Shamanic Healing
Travels into the next dimension

If you think you are a spiritual energetic being then you will heal yourself by merely realizing what you truly are. Shamans are your helpers on this path.

Doma India
The gentle touch

Doma India is the love of a life applied to working with horses. Being truly connected with yourself and others can move mountains.

Gabor Maté
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts

Gabor Maté is a Canadian physician who specializes in the study and treatment of addiction. He radiates kindness and a deep understanding of the human condition.

Stanislav Grof
The Cosmic Game

My appreciation for this lecture is beyond words. Grof’s thoughts basically touch all the areas that I want to explore right now.

Breath of the Gods
The origins of modern Yoga

The documentary investigates the origins of modern yoga and presents especially Krishnamacharya’s life and teachings.

Anna Halprin
Breath Made Visible

Dance is not something you do for an audience to entertain, it’s a very real experience. It can heal you.

Stepping into the fire
Part III

I will step into the fire. The fire of self-discovery. This fire will not burn me, it will only burn what I am not.

Ayahuasca Manifesto
The Spirit and its Planetary Mission

Many people ask me about Ayahuasca and I’m happy to share my experiences and the information I gathered.

The Spirit Molecule

I featured this documentary before but I feel it deserves to stand alone.

The Abramović Method
& Institute

The fantastic Marina Abramović wants to share her legacy with the world. It’s all her knowledge condensed into a method — The Abramović Method.

Cary Grant
Why didn’t I do this sooner?

I’m a promoter of the psychedelic experience as you might have figured. More people of high reputation need to come out of the closet and speak out about it.

Avishai Pearlson
The one breath meditation

How would I want to breathe my one last breath?

Wilhelm Reich
An introduction

This documentary is a great introduction to the world of Wilhelm Reich. A pioneer on so many levels. His holistic…

Pablo Amaringo
Shaman and painter

Amaringo’s paintings give a good impression of the quality of an ayahuasca vision. Pablo César Amaringo Shuna was born in…

The Ayahuasca Diaries
A Trip Inside

In April this year, I went to Peru for a month. The reason for this trip was my recent felt…