Snu Voogelbreinder
Garden of Eden
Garden of Eden explores the vast world of psychoactive plants, animals and other organisms, and their uses in shamanism, spiritual exploration and healing.

The Door of Perception
Garden of Eden explores the vast world of psychoactive plants, animals and other organisms, and their uses in shamanism, spiritual exploration and healing.
The Kogi hold a unique position; on a bloodstained continent they alone have never been conquered, and have succeeded in preserving their four thousand year old understanding of the world.
The Brazilian-born photographer Valdir Cruz has lived in the United States for more than thirty years, yet much of his…
Photojournalist Sebastião Salgado traveled the Brazilian Amazon for six years to document the unfathomable wonder of this last frontier. The forest, the rivers, the mountains, and the people who live there.
The following drawings are taken from the Wurzelatlas, a book series that began in 1960 and is regarded as the standard work on root research.
Her paintings speak to us with such a refreshing immediacy, reminding us how wild it is to be alive.
Each picture reveals minute features and textures that are normally invisible to the naked eye.
A poetic and cinematic research into spirituality and its music in Brazil by Priscilla Telmon & Vincent Moon.
A book of unseen photographs documenting the early days of the British direct action environmental movement from 1995—1999.
His meticulously rendered landscapes suggest a nostalgia for Eden and the availability of peace and joy through an expanded awareness of the beauty inherent in the land.
Andujar’s legacy is a shining example of art and activism coming together as one.
Deep and dark, this film glides through a misty world of forest spirits, dreams, and psychotropic honey.
The painter has a language which translates meaning to the viewer beyond that which the viewer’s experience can give.
Automatic Earth refers to what I see as a ‘blue print’ that exists within nature; a plan within each organism to automatically generate a particular form or pattern that is then, inevitably flawed.
These portraits of the woods are influenced by imaging neuroscience. Especially the colors are reminiscent of the artist’s experience with fluorescence microscopy.
The image of Bali as a place of great physical beauty laced with a mysterious spirituality has its origins in the works of a small circle of bohemian expats in the 1930, of whom Spies was the most influential.
I wanted to make a post about the Brazilian visionary artist Tuco Amalfi for some time already. Now I saw…
Jean Delville was a Belgian painter who painted heavily symbolic scenes with a occult oriented spiritual perspective.
Alexander Ross’ hyper worlds of cellular growth and green towering vines are one of a kind.
In this lecture Terence unfolds an ocean of ideas, a metaphor for the psychedelic dimension you are sailing out onto to cast the net of the human imagination to retrieve novel ideas out of the chaos.
The synchronicity of discovering Esther Teichmann at this moment in my life is striking. I am surrounded by lush nature and the promise of the unknown speaks to me beyond language.
There is a small group of painters who are able to invoke nature’s serene magic. Isono is one of them and his love for the forest is very tangible.
Reisewitz’ photographs, most of all large formats, explore the changing relation of the city and the countryside in a period of feverish economic development.
Edward James — described by Salvador Dalí as “crazier than all the Surrealists together” — designed a sculptural dream garden that defies any architectural label.
This film is about people who set forth to fully experience life. To shed the false shell and to return home.
Symbolika is a visionary illustrator who explores the fractal, geometrical and spiritual nature of the psychedelic experience.
Swiatoslaw Wojtkowiak is a daredevil with a good eye and the guts to go beyond what meets the eye.
Tomás Sánchez is best known as a painter of landscapes. These scenes are the sweetest praise of nature and meditation.
Today I woke up with a longing for color and the jungle. So I knew it’s time for Henri Rousseau.…
Research indicates that shamans access an intelligence, which they say is nature’s, and which gives them information that has stunning correspondences with molecular biology.
Dennis McKenna shared a life’s devotion to psychedelics with his better known brother. And he wrote a book about it.
Richard Evans Schultes is the father of modern ethnobotany and some of his scholars carry on his heritage.