Dain L. Tasker
The Love Life of Plants
Dr. Dain L. Tasker (1872-1964), began producing X-ray images of flowers while working as chief radiologist at Wilshire Hospital in…

The Door of Perception
Dr. Dain L. Tasker (1872-1964), began producing X-ray images of flowers while working as chief radiologist at Wilshire Hospital in…
The Day May Break is an ongoing global series portraying people and animals that have been impacted by environmental degradation and destruction.
The boundaries between the real and the imagined dissolve, vegetal phenomena slip into the guise of human dramas, and we can sense the magical entanglement of all realms of experience …
Fini’s work blends elements of surrealism, symbolism, and fantastical imagery, with a fearless exploration of genderfluid identities and depictions of feminine energy.
The Kogi hold a unique position; on a bloodstained continent they alone have never been conquered, and have succeeded in preserving their four thousand year old understanding of the world.
The Brazilian-born photographer Valdir Cruz has lived in the United States for more than thirty years, yet much of his…
Photojournalist Sebastião Salgado traveled the Brazilian Amazon for six years to document the unfathomable wonder of this last frontier. The forest, the rivers, the mountains, and the people who live there.
Her vibrant nature scenes convey a sense of the divine in nature and are reminiscent of the Transcendental Painting Group.
Cameron was an American artist, poet, actress, and occultist who emerged as a key figure in the California counterculture movement in the 1950s and 60s.
Lloyd Kahn is arguably the most influential pioneer of the DIY building movement that emerged in the 1960s.
His buildings are nothing less than an exuberant act of self-expression by Bolivia’s long-marginalized indigenous majority.
Her paintings speak to us with such a refreshing immediacy, reminding us how wild it is to be alive.
Lawren Harris was born into one of Canada’s wealthiest families and was destined for a life in aristocratic circles, yet he always felt more at home in the great outdoors.
A poetic and cinematic research into spirituality and its music in Brazil by Priscilla Telmon & Vincent Moon.
His meticulously rendered landscapes suggest a nostalgia for Eden and the availability of peace and joy through an expanded awareness of the beauty inherent in the land.
From detached gaze to initiatory knowledge: Verger is a true messenger between worlds.
Andujar’s legacy is a shining example of art and activism coming together as one.
Agnes Lawrence Pelton (1881–1961) was a member of the Transcendental Painting Group, dedicated to the principles of creating and promoting a pure abstract painting style imbued with spiritual intent.
Burchfield’s nature scenes strike me as among the most experiential art I know, as he’s able to put you right into his synesthetic experience of nature.
Bryan Haynes’ ability to portray trees in an otherworldly light speaks to me in the most visceral way. It awakens a memory I carry within, of another kind of seeing.
To seek the timeless way we must first know the quality without a name. There is a central quality which is the root criterion of life and spirit in a man, a town, a building, or a wilderness.
Stanisław Szukalski’s strong nationalistic affinity, coupled with a megalomaniac self-image made him the priest of a nation, that was to hail him the greatest of living artists.
The painter has a language which translates meaning to the viewer beyond that which the viewer’s experience can give.
These seekers of the inner spirit in outer things, wanted to carry painting beyond the appearance of the physical world.
The woodcut prints of Tom Killion speak of a deep love for the landscape, a passion for the poetics of…
Maxfield Parrish captures a light mood in his paintings that feels supernatural and very real and tangible at the same time.
I wanted to make a post about the Brazilian visionary artist Tuco Amalfi for some time already. Now I saw…
Jean Delville was a Belgian painter who painted heavily symbolic scenes with a occult oriented spiritual perspective.
Reisewitz’ photographs, most of all large formats, explore the changing relation of the city and the countryside in a period of feverish economic development.
Edward S. Curtis shows us an ancient way of life that is about to vanish. And after that the wisdom will be forever lost.
“The American literature doesn’t have a more beautiful and more profound book than Walden” commented Hermann Hesse. And I knew…
This series from 1975 takes us on a journey around the world to reveal the making and use of tribal art in some of the few places on earth where the traditions are intact.
This film is about people who set forth to fully experience life. To shed the false shell and to return home.
In 1990, a BBC1 documentary film brought global attention to a remote South American people, the Kogi of Colombia, who…
Swiatoslaw Wojtkowiak is a daredevil with a good eye and the guts to go beyond what meets the eye.
Tomás Sánchez is best known as a painter of landscapes. These scenes are the sweetest praise of nature and meditation.
Robert Gordon Wasson was an international banker, amateur mycologist, and author. It was him who reintroduced the ‘divine mushrooms’ to the West.
If you think you are a spiritual energetic being then you will heal yourself by merely realizing what you truly are. Shamans are your helpers on this path.
Doma India is the love of a life applied to working with horses. Being truly connected with yourself and others can move mountains.
Research indicates that shamans access an intelligence, which they say is nature’s, and which gives them information that has stunning correspondences with molecular biology.
I would describe the work of Ernesto Neto as ‘body art’. It’s a supreme example of art that communicates by bodily sensations.
Dennis McKenna shared a life’s devotion to psychedelics with his better known brother. And he wrote a book about it.
Richard Evans Schultes is the father of modern ethnobotany and some of his scholars carry on his heritage.
Anna Paola Guerra is living and working in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. And since I discovered her photos I feel the…
Amaringo’s paintings give a good impression of the quality of an ayahuasca vision. Pablo César Amaringo Shuna was born in…
In April this year, I went to Peru for a month. The reason for this trip was my recent felt…