Meeting Avishai in the Sacred Valley of the Incas had a lasting effect on me. At first appearance I could tell that this man leads a happy life. A life of integrity, in tune with his needs and beliefs. I spent ten days with him and his wife Viviana on their beautiful land.
Together they direct Niños del Sol, a children’s home where 18 children — all survivors of trauma, abuse and neglect — are being raised as a family. NdS is dedicated to nurturing the children with life skills, open hearts, yoga/wellness practices, organic food from local farms and their own garden, and lots of love.
Avishai teaches Breema Bodywork and other techniques that bring us back to the present moment. I asked him to share his One Breath Meditation with us.
How would I want to breathe my one last breath?
Paying attention to each detail
Being present
Being conscious
With gratitude and blessing.
Totally awake!≈
Tell me — how would you?
Each breath can and might be the last one.
When to start preparing?≈
Our future is unknown
Our past is gone
We know we were born, we know we will die.
We will return to where we came from
Back to the One≈
Where there is no birth
And there is no death.≈
How do I want to be when I return to that One?
When to start preparing and how?
By practicing the One Breath Meditation
Sitting comfortably, prepare for the last breath
(Most likely there will be more breaths following… this is a simulation!)
Gently close the eyes
Take a few full breaths≈
Experience the body has weight
Experience the body is breathing.≈
No past, no future, only This moment!
After a few conscious breaths
Prepare for the One Last Breath
With one breath of preparation≈
As if in a corridor before entering The Sanctuary
As if in a waiting room before entering The Temple≈
Time to say goodbye, for the last time
Time to make peace and complete all
Time to be fully alive and present.≈
How do I wish to be?
I wish to
In gratitude for All and Everything
Blessing All and Everything≈
Still holding on to dear life
And possibly for the first time
In touch with how dear this life is
Not taking this breath for granted≈
Drinking every aspect:
The endless light within
The experience of Being a Human
The Love, the Joy, the mystery≈
Now All is well.
Time to let go
For real
Of all that is dear, and all the suffering≈
This Is It!
Taking the One Last Breath.
I Am.
Fully Awake
Fully Present≈
The corners of the mouth gently stretching up towards the ears
Joy, naturally, is inside and outside≈
Everything is clear
The light is here
At long last I hear
My own breath≈
How sweet this sound
Blissful passage
Crossing the threshold
Returning home≈
Ending? Beginning?
Retuning to the one who breathed the first Adam
From dust to dust≈
Darkness? Light?
Now all is YES≈
After the last exhale
Free at last
To choose:
No more breaths, and
Pass over and go to the darkness,
Filled with light?≈
Or allow another breath
Of re-birth
And return to the light
Filled with dark?≈
This inevitable next breath will (most likely) breathe itself…
A rush of fresh, life giving, precious air
How sweet to breathe!
How ecstatic to be alive!≈
Free to choose:
Remain sitting, to keep breathing the gifted breaths
Of the New Born≈
Or get up to do the laundry, or dishes, or any other cleaning,
Or lie down for a rest
Or resume our work
If the corners of the mouth are not curling up —
Keep going
Repeating the cycle of three breaths:≈
(1.) Preparing for the
(2.) One Last Breath
Then being breathed the
(3.) One First Breath.≈
Amazingly, we wake up to life
When facing death.≈
In the bliss.≈
What is left to do?
Same same-
Give thanks and bless
All and Everything.≈
Prayer becomes a meditation
Meditation a prayer.≈
Please, One,
Help me to help you to help us to help you!≈
The lifeline of Breath
Is always available for us to
Return home
And hop back in.≈
Welcome Home,
Beloved!Avishai Pearlson