- Stewart Brand 1973
I just read the biography of Stewart Brand and I find his life story very inspiring. It could be said that DOP somehow continues in his spirit.
It’s easy to make a difference in the world!, he says. And after this early epiphany he did change a lot. He also talks about the notion of curating and selecting, which is becoming so important in our current world: Curating is assembling, it’s letting other people do most of the work. It’s a very lazy, therefore good, way to influence the world! It’s a question of intelligent collection and then of intelligent display.
Brand’s most influential project, The Whole Earth Catalog, first published in 1968, can be considered the bible of counterculture in the 60s and 70s. It compiles a thorough list of information ranging from bookmaking to dolphin communication — basically any “tool” that can empower or inspire the individual within the context of the global community.
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Whole Earth Index is the nearly-complete archive of all publications, a series of journals and magazines descended from the Whole Earth Catalog, published by Stewart Brand and the POINT Foundation between 1970 and 2002. They are made available here for scholarship, education, and research purposes.