I absolutely love the paintings by Jung-Yeon Min, especially the first one here. What a marvelous way to depict the infinite pool of our imagination. This landscape of the headspace that can sculpt into everything. From the brightest glory to the darkest abyss and everything in between.
Paul Wunderlich
Everything you can imagine is real
Paul Wunderlich was a German painter, sculptor and graphic artist. He’s one of the most important members of the Magic Realism movement.

David Jien
The Tale of the Inner Struggle
The narrative drawings reflect the eternal human struggle for the right path in life, alongside our demons.

Islamic architecture
Kaleidoscopes of adoration
Gazing up into the kaleidoscopic worlds of these Iranian mosque ceilings invokes a feeling of transcendental glory.

Eyvind Earle
Master of the trees
Eyvind Earle is a master of contemplative landscape paintings. To me these dream-like sceneries are highly hypnotising.

Storm Thorgerson
Taken by Storm
Thorgerson’s metaphorical language to me feels like as if Magritte would have been into photography instead of painting.

Dain L. Tasker
The Love Life of Plants
Dr. Dain L. Tasker (1872-1964), began producing X-ray images of flowers while working as chief radiologist at Wilshire Hospital in…

Pavel Tchelitchew
Bodies seen and unseen
Pavel Tchelitchew clearly was a seer of the unseen, a true visionary artist.

Rajni Perera
Rajni Perera paints a vibrant sci-fi universe ruled by hybrid deities, demons, and powerful black heroines.

Pierre Radisic
Heavenly Bodies
The skin of another is as cryptic as the vastness of the heavens above. But we try to find meaning, with celestial maps of heavenly bodies.

Daniel Stier
Ways Of Knowing
A personal project exploring the real world of scientific research. Not the stainless steel surfaces bathed in purple light, but real people in their basements working on selfbuilt contraptions

Wenzel Hablik
Crystal Utopias
Wenzel Hablik is a visionary, an utopian architect of the proverbial crystal castles in the clouds.

Charles Burchfield
The Shimmer of Nature
Burchfield’s nature scenes strike me as among the most experiential art I know, as he’s able to put you right into his synesthetic experience of nature.

René Laloux
La planète sauvage
La Planète sauvage is a classic of surreal animation. But it’s far more than just dazzlingly beautiful, it holds many thought-provoking ideas to contemplate on.

Spencer Tunick
Body Mass Index
Spencer Tunick photographs individuals en masse, without their clothing, grouped together.

Lucyna Kolendo
Corpo Solido
Every day anew I am fascinated by the human form, my body. While looking at my trembling feet in a yoga pose, I wonder what this body is.

Johfra Bosschart
The Zodiac Series
Surrealism based on studies of psychology, religion, the Bible, astrology, antiquity, magic, witchcraft, mythology and occultism.

Kevin Lucbert
worlds in between blue lines
Kevin Lucbert draws doors into parallel universes. And he mostly uses the color blue, which obviously fits to DOP. It…

Jon Han
Death and Transfiguration
The art of dying, the experience of letting go all that is known is almost forgotten in our culture.

Noémie Goudal
Goudal makes no attempt to hide any evidence of fabrication, drawing attention to the artificial, man-made aspect of photography

Ivan Rabuzin
Symbols of the absolute
Rabuzin found the utmost simplicity, concision and perfection in the sphere and the circle, which were to become his symbols of the absolute, symbols of completeness.