I’m absolutely mesmerized by Jordan Kasey‘s paintings. Her color scheme and softness of shapes and light have a dazzling effect on me, so bold and soothing at the same time. I feel deeply immersed in this world and I want to stay a bit to warm up.
Alexander Ross
The primordial cell
Alexander Ross’ hyper worlds of cellular growth and green towering vines are one of a kind.

Sarah Schönfeld
All you can feel
Sarah Schönfeld, an artist from Berlin puts different drugs on photographic negatives. The prints look fantastic…

The Art of Transformation
Yoga: The Art of Transformation was the first major exhibition that explores the visual history of yoga.

Made in GDR
A practice of self-enquiry like yoga isn’t on the agenda of a system of control and conformity. But even in East Germany people pursued this path, despite the risk of arousing suspicion.

Frieder Grindler
Posters 1963 – 2005
Frieder Grindler is one of the big names of German poster design in the second half of the 20th century.

Heinz Edelmann
My psychedelic childhood
Heinz Edelmann‘s illustrations really made a lasting impression on me as a child. His distinct style seemed all-around and I remember one picture book in particular.

Henri Rousseau
Dreams of the jungle
Today I woke up with a longing for color and the jungle. So I knew it’s time for Henri Rousseau.…

Saskia Olde-Wolbers
Drowned Worlds in Slow Motion
It is rarely possible that an artist’s vision pierces me to the heart at first glance. Dutch artist Saskia Olde-Wolbers did so. Her clear as a bell vision is unmistakable and unique.

Kohei Yoshiyuki
The Park
I hesitated to make this post because what it reveals is a rather weird presentation of human desire. But ultimately…

Jonathan Zawada
On these grounds, all perception is a gamble. A meta-level is always just around the corner, and Zawada’s hyperreal imagery is a vivid glimpse into an expanded perceptual bandwidth.

The Media-Shaman Manifesto
The following manifesto is a testimony of an awakened youth movement realizing its power. Born from the European rave culture…

Berndnaut Smilde
Making Clouds
Berndnaut Smilde performs magic. I don’t need to know how he’s creating his indoor clouds but I love it. I totally share his fascination with clouds.

Julius Horsthuis
All These Unseen Worlds
My kind of art is showing something that exists. The fractal exists. I didn’t create it, I didn’t come up with it, I found it.

Agnes Pelton
Desert Visionary
Agnes Lawrence Pelton (1881–1961) was a member of the Transcendental Painting Group, dedicated to the principles of creating and promoting a pure abstract painting style imbued with spiritual intent.

Valdir Cruz
Faces of the Rainforest
The Brazilian-born photographer Valdir Cruz has lived in the United States for more than thirty years, yet much of his…

Daniel Coe
The Flow of Time
In this ongoing series Dan Coe uses open-source Lidar data to illustrate the evolution of rivers and deltas.

Breath of the Gods
The origins of modern Yoga
The documentary investigates the origins of modern yoga and presents especially Krishnamacharya’s life and teachings.

Leonor Fini
Queen of the Underworld
Fini’s work blends elements of surrealism, symbolism, and fantastical imagery, with a fearless exploration of genderfluid identities and depictions of feminine energy.

Julia Turk
Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea
I have always been drawn to things I found suggestive but couldn’t understand. The tarot is such a theme that speaks to my imagination but I can’t explain what it really is.

The World of Edena
A cosmic drama featuring the two interstellar repairmen Stel and Atan who rediscover humanity’s true state of being.