Gerhard Riebicke
Ways to Strength and Beauty
Gerhard Riebicke’s photography paved the way for the awakening of the Lebensreform movement in the early 20th century.

The Door of Perception
Gerhard Riebicke’s photography paved the way for the awakening of the Lebensreform movement in the early 20th century.
Dürckheim’s legacy is psychotherapy in the spirit of Zen. His books are classics of transpersonal psychology.
For any culture which is primarily concerned with meaning, the study of death – the only certainty that life holds…
A practice of self-enquiry like yoga isn’t on the agenda of a system of control and conformity. But even in East Germany people pursued this path, despite the risk of arousing suspicion.
Hans Cousto is a mathematician, musicologist and astrologer best known for his work on the Cosmic Octave.
If the human being is the only animal that knows it lives in time, the movie is about that knowledge, a modern fairy tale about the nature of being alive.
The documentary investigates the origins of modern yoga and presents especially Krishnamacharya’s life and teachings.
I want to tell you about the Lebensreform movement in the early 20th century. The problems back then were the same like today.
This video from 1998 is one of the last interviews before Terence passed away in April 2000.
I just discovered the greatest documentary of all time. I urge you to take the time and watch this carefully. What do you feel?
Traveling south, being outdoors and reading Hesse goes well together.
And I’m realizing again how deeply this man talks to me.
McKenna’s offers far-sighted perspectives on the cyber punk culture and virtual reality. I miss this kind of utopian thinking these days. Where are we heading for with our technology? What could be a positive ultimate goal of it?
Viktor Schauberger (1885 — 1958) was an exceptional inventor and scientist. His body of work revolves around water and it’s natural behavior and inherent energy.
Hans-Peter Dürr — a luminous figure of science today. Such academic knowledge and reputation rarely come with wisdom and openness. I wish more scientists would be like him.
These are the insights of one night in september 2011. It’s straight from the heart as I felt it back then. I think it’s worth sharing.