Viktor Schauberger (1885 — 1958) was an exceptional inventor and scientist. His body of work revolves around water and it’s natural behavior and inherent energy. This profound understanding of an elemental force is rooted in years of field observation during his years as a forest ranger. Instead of pursuing an academic career he relied on his power of observation and came to powerful conclusions that challenge conventional perceptions of science.
Lloyd Kahn
Shelter not Cabinporn
Lloyd Kahn is arguably the most influential pioneer of the DIY building movement that emerged in the 1960s.

Anna Halprin
Breath Made Visible
Dance is not something you do for an audience to entertain, it’s a very real experience. It can heal you.

The Second Encounter
I just booked my second Ayahuasca retreat. This time for three days only and not in the Amazon but in the Netherlands.

All Watched Over by
Machines of Loving Grace
A series of films about how humans have been colonized by the machines we have built. Although we don’t realize it, the way we see everything in the world today is through the eyes of the computers.

Simon G. Powell
The Psilocybin Solution
Simon G. Powell had no real budget or crew, but he did have a Hi-8 video camera, some music equipment, a computer and lots of inspiration.

In a mother’s womb
Or the cycle of life
This text is immensely powerful to illuminate death or any transition into the unknown. Remember that you already went through a fantastic metamorphosis before.

Primitive Technology
The Satisfaction of Simplicity
Primitive Technology is a hobby where you make things in the wild completely from scratch using no modern tools or materials. This is the strict rule.

Aldous Huxley
The Gravity of Light
This film from 1997 pays homage to Aldous Huxley, the seer who was nearly blind. His cultural criticism and social prophecy still remind us of great dangers and infinite potentials.

DMT fluorescence out of the dark
The Adventurous Spark aka TAS is an Austrian 3D artist specialized in live visuals and mapping for psytrance festivals.

Der Himmel über Berlin
Wings of Desire
If the human being is the only animal that knows it lives in time, the movie is about that knowledge, a modern fairy tale about the nature of being alive.

Terence McKenna
On Cyber Culture
McKenna’s offers far-sighted perspectives on the cyber punk culture and virtual reality. I miss this kind of utopian thinking these days. Where are we heading for with our technology? What could be a positive ultimate goal of it?

Breath of the Gods
The origins of modern Yoga
The documentary investigates the origins of modern yoga and presents especially Krishnamacharya’s life and teachings.

Inka Essenhigh
Other Worlds Are Possible
The boundaries between the real and the imagined dissolve, vegetal phenomena slip into the guise of human dramas, and we can sense the magical entanglement of all realms of experience …

Aldous Huxley
This book isn’t a novel but rather a manifesto. The final work of Huxley is a sociological blueprint, a manual for living, loving and dying.

Emil Bisttram
And the Transcendental Painting Group
These seekers of the inner spirit in outer things, wanted to carry painting beyond the appearance of the physical world.

Paul Stamets
The Future is Fungi
Paul Stamets is a mycologist and a true renaissance visionary with a pathbreaking message.

Wilhelm Reich
An introduction
This documentary is a great introduction to the world of Wilhelm Reich. A pioneer on so many levels. His holistic…

Comet 67P/C-G
Interception of a galactic voyager
Tomorrow November 12 the space probe Rosetta will deploy a lander to the surface of the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

Prehistoric Artefacts from the Sahara
The book seeks to highlight a previously overlooked dimension at the intersection of diverse fields such as anthropology, archaeology, art history, technology, and sociology: the material culture of early Saharan inhabitants.

Alexey Kljatov
Macro Snowflakes
Despite their brief existence, snowflakes are a testament to the limitless creativity woven into the fabric of the natural world.