Heinz Edelmann‘s illustrations really made a lasting impression on me as a child. His distinct style seemed all-around and I remember one picture book in particular: Andromedar SR1 (published 1970).
Sharon Ellis
Tumult in Earth, Calm in Heaven
Her vibrant nature scenes convey a sense of the divine in nature and are reminiscent of the Transcendental Painting Group.
Jill Bolte Taylor
My Stroke of Insight
This account from lalaland is beautifully bridging the gap between science and spirituality to open up our perception of the world.
Irving Penn
Worlds in a Small Room
Best known for his fashion photography, Irving Penn’s repertoire also includes portraits of creative greats, still lifes and ethnographic photographs…
Black & White work
When it comes to Moebius aka Jean Giraud (* 1938 — † 2012) it’s hard to make a choice what to present. His body of work is huge and versatile. My selection focuses on his early black & white work.
René Laloux
La planète sauvage
La Planète sauvage is a classic of surreal animation. But it’s far more than just dazzlingly beautiful, it holds many thought-provoking ideas to contemplate on.
Crystallized Water
Revelation & Mystery
This message is so utterly beautiful in its implications that I just want to believe it! Love & gratitude materializes in beauty.
Adrian Fisk
Until The Last Oak Falls
A book of unseen photographs documenting the early days of the British direct action environmental movement from 1995—1999.
Alexandra Duprez
The eternal metamorphosis
French artist Alexandra Duprez mentions Australian Aboriginal art as her main inspiration to take up painting.
James Turrell
Perceive your Perceiving
Turrell is an artist who works with the nature of perception. He uses light to make you perceive your perceiving.
Asger Carlsen
Studies on flexibility of relation
Asger Carlsen’s pictures make me think about my human form and its range of functions.
Paul Wunderlich
Everything you can imagine is real
Paul Wunderlich was a German painter, sculptor and graphic artist. He’s one of the most important members of the Magic Realism movement.
DMT Visions
Chronicles from Beyond
Language and all forms of image making are very insufficient means of representation. But the urge to try is strong.
Alexis Pichot
Nocturnal Rites of Passage
The long-time exposures Alexis brings back from his solitary immersions into the night reflect a desire for stillness, to retrieve a timeless meaning lost to modern man.
Woman Nature Technology
Their latest exploration into generative AI seems like a natural evolution of their practice.
Hans Cousto
The Cosmic Octave
and the culture of ecstasy
Hans Cousto is a mathematician, musicologist and astrologer best known for his work on the Cosmic Octave.
Karl Blossfeldt
Urformen der Kunst
Karl Blossfeldt was an attentive observers of nature, a teacher of contemplation.
Pedro Friedeberg
Architect of patterns
Pedro Friedeberg and Frida Kahlo were the only two Mexican artists recognized by Andre Breton as part of the Surrealist movement.
Ayahuasca Manifesto
The Spirit and its Planetary Mission
Many people ask me about Ayahuasca and I’m happy to share my experiences and the information I gathered.
The Ayahuasca Diaries
A Trip Inside
In April this year, I went to Peru for a month. The reason for this trip was my recent felt…
The Shulgins
Dirty Pictures
a documentary about refreshingly open-minded scientists, growing old but staying curious and a beautiful love story. ah wait… and psychoactive substances.