Heinz Edelmann‘s illustrations really made a lasting impression on me as a child. His distinct style seemed all-around and I remember one picture book in particular: Andromedar SR1 (published 1970).
Lawren Harris
Summit of the Soul
Lawren Harris was born into one of Canada’s wealthiest families and was destined for a life in aristocratic circles, yet he always felt more at home in the great outdoors.
Tristram Lansdowne
Sci-Fi Islands
Tristram Lansdowne is a Toronto based painter who mainly works in watercolor. I like his futuristic approach of combining architecture with nature.
Sophy Hollington
Carving New Realities
Sophy Hollington is a Brighton-based illustrator who has made a name for herself through her unique take on futuristic folklore realized in linocut.
Stanley Keleman
Emotional Anatomy
This seminal book by Stanley Keleman explores the notion that physical human shape is interrelated with one’s emotional and psychological reality — mapping the geometry of somatic consciousness.
Jon Rafman
New Age Demanded
Jon Rafman explores the impact of technology on contemporary consciousness, modern social interactions, communities and virtual realities.
Alexis Pichot
Nocturnal Rites of Passage
The long-time exposures Alexis brings back from his solitary immersions into the night reflect a desire for stillness, to retrieve a timeless meaning lost to modern man.
Marshall Rosenberg
Nonviolent Communication
This is a simple yet powerful method for clear, empathic communication beneficial for all of us.
The Cloud Appreciation Society
Indulging in the aimless activity of watching the ephemeral beauty of clouds can enrich your life. Realize we don’t live beneath the sky, we live within it.
Judy Chicago
Visualizing Birth
Judy Chicago has continued to make art a vehicle for intellectual transformation and social change and to women’s right to engage in the highest level of art production.
Jonathan Zawada
Over Time
Landscape topographies derived from graph data were modeled in 3D and then oil paintings created from those 3D renders.
Planetary Healers Manual
Survival into the 21st Century
This book is a New Age classic but just one of many publications in the same spirit springing from the counterculture of the late 1960s.
Rick Doblin
Myths About Psychedelic Drugs
Rick Doblin is the the founder of MAPS and one of the most prominent fighters for opening our culture to the healing power of psychedelics.
Benoit Paillé
Rainbow Gatherings
Lately I also rediscovered the wholesome experience of being with with a group of strangers who share an intention of love & growth.
Woman Nature Technology
Their latest exploration into generative AI seems like a natural evolution of their practice.
Color work
It’s been a long time since the last post on Moebius. Back then I presented a selection of his black and white work…
Freddy Mamani
Totems of Andean Futurism
His buildings are nothing less than an exuberant act of self-expression by Bolivia’s long-marginalized indigenous majority.
J.D. Okhai Ojeikere
Sculptures for a day
J. D. ‘Okhai Ojeikere’s work captures the intersection of cultural tradition and personal expression.
Chris Bryan
Watching this video, I felt captured by a primal feeling of awe. One of these rare moments when we glimpse how inconceivably vast and powerful this reality is.
DOP Mixtape 1
The Ideal is Unreal
This is the first DOP mixtape, my very personal selection of music that stood the test of time.
Kaljo Põllu
Eternity, Heaven and Earth
Like a deep well evoking forgotten concepts about origins, belonging, and the presence of spiritual forces in the world.