Johfra Bosschart
Unio Mystica

Surrealism based on studies of psychology, religion, the Bible, astrology, antiquity, magic, witchcraft, mythology and occultism.

Orgyan Chopel
New Visions in Thangkas

Orgyan Chopel translates cryptic Buddhism into a simplified language of symbols, easier to understand and accept.

Johfra Bosschart
The Zodiac Series

Surrealism based on studies of psychology, religion, the Bible, astrology, antiquity, magic, witchcraft, mythology and occultism.

Ernst Fuchs
Architectura caelestis

Ernst Fuchs was one of the most influential masters of the visionary arts movement.

Robert Venosa
Timeless Vistas of Inner Realities

New York City born, Robert Venosa was transported into the world of fine art in the late 60’s after having…

Philip Kirkland
The Psychedelic Textbook Solution

Back in the early 1970s, Phil Kirkland created surreal textbook illustrations, mostly for psychology and health books.

Storm Thorgerson
Taken by Storm

Thorgerson’s metaphorical language to me feels like as if Magritte would have been into photography instead of painting.

Pedro Friedeberg
Architect of Patterns

Pedro Friedeberg and Frida Kahlo were the only two Mexican artists recognized by Andre Breton as part of the Surrealist movement.

Eric Gill
Lovers & Saints

Often summarized as graphic artist, Eric Gill was a sculptor, typeface designer, stonecutter and printmaker.

Mati Klarwein
Images of a generation

No introduction needed. Here’s Abdul Mati Klarwein. Maybe I feel especially familiar with his style of painting because it was…

Paul Laffoley
The visionary

Laffoley is a visionary painter, designer, futurist & hyperspace cartographer based in Boston. Diving into his world may cause a feeling of dizziness due to an overdose of novelty.