Erich Fromm
The Art Of Loving
The presentation of love as as a skill that can be taught and developed is all the more important for modern humans alienated from each other and from nature.

The Door of Perception
The presentation of love as as a skill that can be taught and developed is all the more important for modern humans alienated from each other and from nature.
Doma India is the love of a life applied to working with horses. Being truly connected with yourself and others can move mountains.
Introducing you to Mooji is a matter of the heart for me. His radiance easily dissolves the haunted mind into laughter and leaves you lighter.
This is a simple yet powerful method for clear, empathic communication beneficial for all of us.
At the time when I picked the name The Door Of Perception I didn’t know much about Aldous Huxley and his teachings — because that’s what his writings are, rather than novels.
Often summarized as graphic artist, Eric Gill was a sculptor, typeface designer, stonecutter and printmaker.
I had an experience that still resonates and vibrates deep within me. If I can keep just a mere afterglow alive, I will be a changed man.
Many people ask me about Ayahuasca and I’m happy to share my experiences and the information I gathered.
a documentary about refreshingly open-minded scientists, growing old but staying curious and a beautiful love story. ah wait… and psychoactive substances.