This is as fashion as it gets on DOP. But Dutch photographer Viviane Sassen‘s work is extraordinary and transcends the common. She’s one of my favorite photographers and this selection focuses on her documentary and personal work.
Armin Copp
Broken worlds without end
Fractals are a wonderful way of seeing infinity. Their beauty is only secondary after that lesson in perception.
Wolfgang Hutter
Unquenched Desires and the Big Fear
Wolfgang Hutter was clearly gifted with an exceptional receptivity to feel the call of beauty and the creative power to translate it back into form.
Berndnaut Smilde
Making Clouds
Berndnaut Smilde performs magic. I don’t need to know how he’s creating his indoor clouds but I love it. I totally share his fascination with clouds.
Tuco Amalfi
The Source of Light is Within
I wanted to make a post about the Brazilian visionary artist Tuco Amalfi for some time already. Now I saw…
Jon Han
Death and Transfiguration
The art of dying, the experience of letting go all that is known is almost forgotten in our culture.
Caio Reisewitz
The Changing Brazilian Landscape
Reisewitz’ photographs, most of all large formats, explore the changing relation of the city and the countryside in a period of feverish economic development.
Noémie Goudal
Goudal makes no attempt to hide any evidence of fabrication, drawing attention to the artificial, man-made aspect of photography
Hermann Hesse
Traveling south, being outdoors and reading Hesse goes well together.
And I’m realizing again how deeply this man talks to me.
Islamic architecture
Kaleidoscopes of adoration
Gazing up into the kaleidoscopic worlds of these Iranian mosque ceilings invokes a feeling of transcendental glory.
Karolina Daria Flora
Weaver of umbilical thread
Karolina’s mission is the transmutation of reality, her work far more than mere adornment — she weaves the umbilical thread that reminds us of dimensions we have just forgotten about.
Étienne-Louis Boullée
The Temple of Death
Étienne-Louis Boullée is the master of monumental cenotaphs. His most emblematic project is his cenotaph designed for Isaac Newton.
Enchanted Embodiment
and Ashtanga Yoga
Or what being present means to me. And why I practice Ashtanga Yoga.
Henri Rousseau
Dreams of the jungle
Today I woke up with a longing for color and the jungle. So I knew it’s time for Henri Rousseau.…
Julius Horsthuis
All These Unseen Worlds
My kind of art is showing something that exists. The fractal exists. I didn’t create it, I didn’t come up with it, I found it.
David Attenborough
The Tribal Eye
This series from 1975 takes us on a journey around the world to reveal the making and use of tribal art in some of the few places on earth where the traditions are intact.
Orgyan Chopel
New Visions in Thangkas
Orgyan Chopel translates cryptic Buddhism into a simplified language of symbols, easier to understand and accept.
Hans Bellmer
Degenerate Art
Hans Bellmer was a photographer, sculptor, printmaker, painter and writer.
Arata Isozaki
Essence of Form and Values
These drawings and prints by Arata Isozaki visualize the fundamental concepts behind some of his most iconic buildings.
Storm Thorgerson
Taken by Storm
Thorgerson’s metaphorical language to me feels like as if Magritte would have been into photography instead of painting.
The Overview Effect
& Satellite imagery
Most probably I will never look down at mother ship earth from space. But some astronauts did when they set out to explore the final frontier.