Hasui Kawase
The Quality of Light

Especially the persistent interest in depicting light characterizes the dreamlike atmosphere in the woodblock prints of Hasui Kawase

Hirō Isono
Into the Depths of the Sacred Forest

There is a small group of painters who are able to invoke nature’s serene magic. Isono is one of them and his love for the forest is very tangible.

Karlfried Graf Dürckheim
Der Körper den ich habe, Der Leib der ich bin

Dürckheim’s legacy is psychotherapy in the spirit of Zen. His books are classics of transpersonal psychology.

Toshio Saeki
Nothing is True
Everything is Permitted

Toshio Saeki is a psychosexual dream weaver, a grand master of mixing myth, that dream quality and pure libido.

Kohei Yoshiyuki
The Park

I hesitated to make this post because what it reveals is a rather weird presentation of human desire. But ultimately…

Aimei Ozaki
Plant contemplations

Cacti and succulents are plants with fascinating characteristics. And this series portrays them in the most beautiful way.

Minoru Nomata
The Architect of Ruins

Minoru Nomata paints fantastical structures and towers, standing isolated in front of a subdued sky. Their purpose is mysterious.

The Zen Mind

The Zen Mind is a fascinating journey across Japan to explore Zen in its natural habitat.