Jon Han
Death and Transfiguration

The art of dying, the experience of letting go all that is known is almost forgotten in our culture.

Death dances for living people

The western culture is devoid of meaningful rituals that help you grow through the stages of life. I think that’s the reason why I’m so fascinated when I find it in other cultures.

Michael Ackerman
End Time City

End Time City is Michael Ackerman’s radical portrayal of the Indian city of Benares, the holy City of Light on the shore of the Ganges.

Arthur Schopenhauer
On Death and Life as Dying

For any culture which is primarily concerned with meaning, the study of death – the only certainty that life holds…

In a mother’s womb
Or the cycle of life

This text is immensely powerful to illuminate death or any transition into the unknown. Remember that you already went through a fantastic metamorphosis before.

Toshio Saeki
Nothing is True
Everything is Permitted

Toshio Saeki is a psychosexual dream weaver, a grand master of mixing myth, that dream quality and pure libido.

Huxley’s Legacy
The art of living, loving and dying

At the time when I picked the name The Door Of Perception I didn’t know much about Aldous Huxley and his teachings — because that’s what his writings are, rather than novels.

Der Himmel über Berlin
Wings of Desire

If the human being is the only animal that knows it lives in time, the movie is about that knowledge, a modern fairy tale about the nature of being alive.

Stanislav Grof
The Cosmic Game

My appreciation for this lecture is beyond words. Grof’s thoughts basically touch all the areas that I want to explore right now.

Étienne-Louis Boullée
The Temple of Death

Étienne-Louis Boullée is the master of monumental cenotaphs. His most emblematic project is his cenotaph designed for Isaac Newton.