This talk really has it in it. So much truth in so simple words.
Here’s more of him.
The Door of Perception
René Magritte developed key strategies and techniques to defamiliarize the familiar, to evoke the mysterious.
This book isn’t a novel but rather a manifesto. The final work of Huxley is a sociological blueprint, a manual for living, loving and dying.
This is a 10 hour weekend workshop given by Terence McKenna in Boulder, Colorado May 29-31, 1992.
The film examines the re-emergence of archaic techniques of ecstasy in the modern world by weaving a synthesis of ecological…
These portraits of the woods are influenced by imaging neuroscience. Especially the colors are reminiscent of the artist’s experience with fluorescence microscopy.
The art of dying, the experience of letting go all that is known is almost forgotten in our culture.
I had an experience that still resonates and vibrates deep within me. If I can keep just a mere afterglow alive, I will be a changed man.
Swiatoslaw Wojtkowiak is a daredevil with a good eye and the guts to go beyond what meets the eye.
Her vibrant nature scenes convey a sense of the divine in nature and are reminiscent of the Transcendental Painting Group.
In 1990, a BBC1 documentary film brought global attention to a remote South American people, the Kogi of Colombia, who…
I think it is fair to say that Pete Mauney is obsessed with photographing fireflies. For more than twenty years he finds solace in his nocturnal wanderings and an inexhaustible challenge for the next interesting composition.
Their latest exploration into generative AI seems like a natural evolution of their practice.
I follow Theo Jansen for many years now. What I like so much about his design approach is the playfulness…
Alexander Shulgin’s lab books were scanned in 2007 and made available online.
This message is so utterly beautiful in its implications that I just want to believe it! Love & gratitude materializes in beauty.
Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration. The phenomenon is visualized with various materials…
Goudal makes no attempt to hide any evidence of fabrication, drawing attention to the artificial, man-made aspect of photography
I will step into the fire. The fire of self-discovery. This fire will not burn me, it will only burn what I am not.
La Planète sauvage is a classic of surreal animation. But it’s far more than just dazzlingly beautiful, it holds many thought-provoking ideas to contemplate on.
The images of Simen Johan speak to me because of their perfection, showing us the animal kingdom in a supernatural…