Prehistoric Artefacts from the Sahara

The book seeks to highlight a previously overlooked dimension at the intersection of diverse fields such as anthropology, archaeology, art history, technology, and sociology: the material culture of early Saharan inhabitants.

Carl Gustav Jung
The Red Book

There can be few unpublished works that have already exerted such far-reaching effects upon twentieth-century social and intellectual history as Jung’s Red Book, or Liber Novus.

Nick Brandt
The Day May Break
Chapter I & II

The Day May Break is an ongoing global series portraying people and animals that have been impacted by environmental degradation and destruction.

Peasant Paintings

Huxian Peasant Paintings are a product of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Ostensibly painted by amateur worker-peasant-soldier artists, they depict idealized scenes of the thriving socialist countryside.

Snu Voogelbreinder
Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden explores the vast world of psychoactive plants, animals and other organisms, and their uses in shamanism, spiritual exploration and healing.

Henri Michaux
Vibrations of Infinity

Painter of poems, writer of spots, dancer of words… Michaux’s work blurs the boundaries between literature, art, and philosophy as self-experiment.

Atlas of Clouds and of States of the Sky

A cloud atlas is a visual representation of various cloud types, including their classification and naming conventions.

Martín Bollati
This Past Does Not Exist

The publication uses AI to mash up ages, geographies and traditions, creating virtual artifacts indistinguishable from historical records.

Kogi Wisdom
A Book of Balance

The Kogi hold a unique position; on a bloodstained continent they alone have never been conquered, and have succeeded in preserving their four thousand year old understanding of the world.

Utopian Visionaries
Dostoevsky & Le Guin

These two visionary tales are written hundred years apart, under very different conditions by very different authors yet they make a great match.

The Whole Earth Catalog
Access to Tools

The Whole Earth Catalog, first published in 1968, can be considered the bible of counterculture in the 60s and 70s. It compiles tools that can empower the individual within the global community.

Sebastião Salgado

Photojournalist Sebastião Salgado traveled the Brazilian Amazon for six years to document the unfathomable wonder of this last frontier. The forest, the rivers, the mountains, and the people who live there.

Lloyd Kahn
Shelter not Cabinporn

Lloyd Kahn is arguably the most influential pioneer of the DIY building movement that emerged in the 1960s.

Freddy Mamani
Totems of Andean Futurism

His buildings are nothing less than an exuberant act of self-expression by Bolivia’s long-marginalized indigenous majority.

Sophy Hollington
Carving New Realities

Sophy Hollington is a Brighton-based illustrator who has made a name for herself through her unique take on futuristic folklore realized in linocut.

The Root Atlas
Unearthed Intelligence

The following drawings are taken from the Wurzelatlas, a book series that began in 1960 and is regarded as the standard work on root research.

Planetary Healers Manual
Survival into the 21st Century

This book is a New Age classic but just one of many publications in the same spirit springing from the counterculture of the late 1960s.

Levon Biss
The Hidden Beauty of Seeds & Fruits

Each picture reveals minute features and textures that are normally invisible to the naked eye.

Adrian Fisk
Until The Last Oak Falls

A book of unseen photographs documenting the early days of the British direct action environmental movement from 1995—1999.

Hamzeh Carr
The Light of Asia

The Light of Asia is a famous narrative poem that tells the life and time of Prince Gautama Siddhartha, who after attaining enlightenment, became the Buddha.

Pierre Verger
Black Gods in Exile

From detached gaze to initiatory knowledge: Verger is a true messenger between worlds.

William Blake
The Book of Job as an Encounter with the Self

A numinous, archetypal event that can lead to enhanced consciousness and is therefore crucial to the psyche of modern man.

Dying to Know
The Mystical World

This book is leading you on travels in a mysterious and visionary world.

Philip Kirkland
Energy Ecstasy and your Seven Vital Chakras

There is already another post about Philip Kirkland but these images I’ve just found deserve to stand alone.

Stanley Keleman
Emotional Anatomy

This seminal book by Stanley Keleman explores the notion that physical human shape is interrelated with one’s emotional and psychological reality — mapping the geometry of somatic consciousness.

Hamid Sardar
Shamans & Hunters of Mongolia

“We exist in relation to three things: The forest, wild animals, and our ancestor spirits. Once we lose the connection to these things, we invite demons to take hold of our destiny.”

Coming of Age

I grew up with Tintin and I just realized how formative Hergé’s ‘ligne claire’ was for me. His distinct visual…

Time Capsules of Life

Seeds are the most complex organs produced by plants, capable of traveling space and time to ensure the biodiversity of our planet.

The World of Edena

A cosmic drama featuring the two interstellar repairmen Stel and Atan who rediscover humanity’s true state of being.

Leo & Diane Dillon
The Heart with Wings

For more than fifty years the Dillon’s formed one of the most successful and influential illustrator partnership.

Guy Debord
The Society of the Spectacle

This film is based on the 1967 book of the same name. It’s a radical critique of mass marketing and its role in the alienation of modern society.

The Psychedelic Experience
A manual based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead

The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on The Tibetan Book of the Dead is an instruction manual intended for use…

Ashtanga Yoga
Mysore Style

The term Mysore Style means you practice a memorized yoga sequence without being led by a teacher. The role of the teacher is to guide as well as provide adjustments or assists in postures.

Osho on Yoga
The Alpha and the Omega

Osho’s discourses on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, given in Pune from 1973-76.

Emilie Conrad
Continuum Movement

Continuum Movement is a dynamic inquiry into what it is to be a human being, providing a method to consciously explore ourself as an unfolding biological and planetary process.

Charles Fréger
Europe’s Wild Men

A primal heart still beats in Europe. Rural people all over the continent kept the connection to nature’s rhythm and celebrate the seasonal cycle. They invoke death but bestow fertile life.

John C. Lilly
Of Mountains and Molehills

This little chapter from The Center of the Cyclone by John C. Lilly turned out to be a piece of wisdom that stood the test of time.

Aldous Huxley

This book isn’t a novel but rather a manifesto. The final work of Huxley is a sociological blueprint, a manual for living, loving and dying.

On Yoga
The Architecture of Peace

Michael O’Neill’s quest to capture the essence of yoga spans time, space, and peoples.

in the Wilderness

Filmed mostly on a stationary 16mm camera, this documentary is the modern-day Walden.

Henry David Thoreau
Walden, or Life in the Woods

“The American literature doesn’t have a more beautiful and more profound book than Walden” commented Hermann Hesse. And I knew…

Michael Ackerman
End Time City

End Time City is Michael Ackerman’s radical portrayal of the Indian city of Benares, the holy City of Light on the shore of the Ganges.

Erich Fromm
The Art Of Loving

The presentation of love as as a skill that can be taught and developed is all the more important for modern humans alienated from each other and from nature.

Sasha Shulgin’s
Notebooks and lab records

Alexander Shulgin’s lab books were scanned in 2007 and made available online.

Frieder Grindler
Posters 1963 – 2005

Frieder Grindler is one of the big names of German poster design in the second half of the 20th century.

The Art of Transformation

Yoga: The Art of Transformation was the first major exhibition that explores the visual history of yoga.

Karlfried Graf Dürckheim
Der Körper den ich habe, Der Leib der ich bin

Dürckheim’s legacy is psychotherapy in the spirit of Zen. His books are classics of transpersonal psychology.

R. Gordon Wasson
Seeking the Magic Mushroom

Robert Gordon Wasson was an international banker, amateur mycologist, and author. It was him who reintroduced the ‘divine mushrooms’ to the West.

A photographic exploration

This book is the best reminder that a computer screen can’t replace the printing quality of a well produced book. The nuances of black are outstanding…

Arthur Schopenhauer
On Death and Life as Dying

For any culture which is primarily concerned with meaning, the study of death – the only certainty that life holds…

Made in GDR

A practice of self-enquiry like yoga isn’t on the agenda of a system of control and conformity. But even in East Germany people pursued this path, despite the risk of arousing suspicion.

Shamanic Healing
Travels into the next dimension

If you think you are a spiritual energetic being then you will heal yourself by merely realizing what you truly are. Shamans are your helpers on this path.

Marshall Rosenberg
Nonviolent Communication

This is a simple yet powerful method for clear, empathic communication beneficial for all of us.

Gabor Maté
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts

Gabor Maté is a Canadian physician who specializes in the study and treatment of addiction. He radiates kindness and a deep understanding of the human condition.

Adrain Chesser
The Return

There are contemporary “back to the land” communities practicing a hunter-gatherer way of life. Projects like this will serve as a touchstone to those interested in living differently.

Jeremy Narby
The Cosmic Serpent

Research indicates that shamans access an intelligence, which they say is nature’s, and which gives them information that has stunning correspondences with molecular biology.

The Secret Life
Of Plants

Published in 1973, The Secret Life of Plants was written by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. It is described as…

Simon G. Powell
The Psilocybin Solution

Simon G. Powell had no real budget or crew, but he did have a Hi-8 video camera, some music equipment, a computer and lots of inspiration.

Painted Land
Australian Aboriginal Art

The art of the Australian Aborigines is one of the oldest artistic traditions alive. This selection shows paintings from the mid-fifties until now by artists from the Arnhem Land region in Northern Australia.

Matthew David Segall
Footnotes 2 Plato

My own infrequent writings are purely experientially and I’m not well-read enough to refer to the spiritual heritage of millenia. However others can.

Lennart Nilsson
A Child is Born

The mere fact that you exist is quite awesome. The way you came into this existence is a unsurpassable miracle hard to believe.

Karl Blossfeldt
Urformen der Kunst

Karl Blossfeldt was an attentive observers of nature, a teacher of contemplation.

In Search of the Miraculous

Gurdjieff’s teaching combines mystical elements of Sufism, Buddhism, Christianity, Gnosticism, Zoroastrianism and the Kabbalah.

Carl Gustav Jung
The Wisdom of the Dream

I’m reading the autobiography of Carl Gustav Jung. It was a name I’ve come across constantly and I knew there’s…

Ernst Haeckel
Kunstformen der Natur

The book Kunstformen der Natur (German for Art Forms of Nature) by the biologist Ernst Haeckel is a masterpiece of art and science.

Taylor Camp
Paradise Lost

I am fascinated by people who make the bold step into alternative ways of living. If none of the given choices seem to fit you, create your own!

Ayahuasca Manifesto
The Spirit and its Planetary Mission

Many people ask me about Ayahuasca and I’m happy to share my experiences and the information I gathered.

Paul Gustave Doré
Christian Imagery

Every belief system has to offer a good story. The more poetic and sensational the more likely to find followers. Paul Gustave Doré‘s way of depicting Christian imagery is a great example.

Jimmy Nelson
Before They Pass Away

The photographer Jimmy Nelson visited 31 secluded and visually unique tribes around the world. The result is huge — in extend and significance.

Dennis McKenna
Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss

Dennis McKenna shared a life’s devotion to psychedelics with his better known brother. And he wrote a book about it.

Freedom from the Known

At the age of thirteen he was discover by the Theosophical Society and proclaimed to be the new World Teacher to guide the evolution of humankind.

Hermann Hesse

Traveling south, being outdoors and reading Hesse goes well together.
And I’m realizing again how deeply this man talks to me.

John C. Lilly
Sensory Deprivation

Today I spent my first hour inside a floatation tank. If you never heard of it I recommend this article for a start: Sensory Deprivation Tanks. I just started to read a book by John C. Lilly the inventor of the tank. He also combined the lack of external stimuli with large doses of LSD.

Heinz Edelmann
My psychedelic childhood

Heinz Edelmann‘s illustrations really made a lasting impression on me as a child. His distinct style seemed all-around and I remember one picture book in particular.

Aldous Huxley
The Doors Of Perception

I’m just realizing that many people don’t know Aldous Huxley‘s classic book about his experiences with mescaline. It’s years ago since I read it myself but I think the title is a brilliant metaphor for the psychedelic experience.

Jean Liedloff
The Continuum concept

This book is a must for all future parents. Besides that they don’t need to learn much.